European Countries and Capitals


Photo by Calvin Hanson on Unsplash

Countries and Capitals

How many people know their countries and capitals?  How many people even know all the countries in Europe?  Probably not that many.   Have a look at theses lists and see how familiar they are?  Maybe you might like to try out the missing vowels quiz or the anagrams quiz?

An Alphabetical List of European Countries and Capitals.


Albania                                     Tirana

Andorra                                    Andorra la Vella

Armenia                                    Yerevan

Austria                                     Vienna

Azerbaijan                                Baku

Belarus                                     Minsk

Belgium                                    Brussels

Bosnia and Herzegovina            Sarajevo

Bulgaria                                    Sofia

Croatia                                     Zagreb

Cyprus                                      Nicosia

Czech Republic                         Prague

Denmark                                  Copenhagen

Estonia                                     Tallinn

Finland                                     Helsinki

France                                      Paris

Georgia                                     Tbilisi

Germany                                  Berlin

Greece                                      Athens

Hungary                                   Budapest

Iceland                                     Reykjavik

Ireland                                     Dublin

Italy                                         Rome

Kazakhstan                              Astana

Kosovo                                     Pristina

Latvia                                       Riga

Liechtenstein                            Vaduz

Lithuania                                  Vilnius

Luxembourg                              Luxembourg

Macedonia                                Skopje

Malta                                        Valletta

Moldova                                    Chisinau

Monaco                                    Monaco

Montenegro                              Podgorica

Netherlands                              Amsterdam

Norway                                     Oslo

Poland                                      Warsaw

Portugal                                    Lisbon

Romania                                   Bucharest

Russia                                      Moscow

San Marino                               San Marino

Scotland                                   Edinburgh

Serbia                                                 Belgrade

Slovakia                                   Bratislava

Slovenia                                   Ljubljana

Spain                                        Madrid

Sweden                                    Stockholm

Switzerland                              Bern

Turkey                                     Ankara

Ukraine                                    Kyiv

England                                    London

Vatican City (Holy See)             Vatican City

Wales                                       Cardiff

An Alphabetical List of European Capitals and their Countries.


Amsterdam                               Netherlands

Andorra la Vella                         Andorra

Ankara                                     Turkey

Astana                                      Kazakhstan

Athens                                     Greece

Baku                                        Azerbaijan

Belgrade                                   Serbia

Berlin                                        Germany

Bern                                         Switzerland

Bratislava                                 Slovakia

Brussels                                   Belgium

Bucharest                                 Romania

Budapest                                  Hungary

Cardiff                                      Wales

Chisinau                                   Moldova

Copenhagen                              Denmark

Dublin                                      Ireland

Edinburgh                                 Scotland

Helsinki                                    Finland

Kyiv                                          Ukraine

Lisbon                                      Portugal

Ljubljana                                  Slovenia

London                                     England

Luxembourg                              Luxembourg

Madrid                                      Spain

Minsk                                        Belarus

Monaco                                    Monaco

Moscow                                    Russia

Nicosia                                     Cyprus

Oslo                                         Norway

Paris                                         France

Podgorica                                  Montenegro

Prague                                      Czech Republic

Pristina                                     Kosovo

Reykjavik                                 Iceland

Riga                                         Latvia

Rome                                        Italy

San Marino                               San Marino

Sarajevo                                   Bosnia and Herzegovina

Skopje                                      Macedonia

Sofia                                        Bulgaria

Stockholm                                Sweden

Tallinn                                      Estonia

Tbilisi                                        Georgia

Tirana                                       Albania

Vaduz                                        Liechtenstein

Valletta                                     Malta

Vatican City                              Vatican City (Holy See)

Vienna                                      Austria

Vilnius                                      Lithuania

Warsaw                                    Poland

Yerevan                                    Armenia

Zagreb                                      Croatia

Let’s start with something straight-forward.  Here we have countries with their capitals but with the vowels missing.

grmny – brln

lbn – trn

hngry        – bdpst

clnd – rykjvk

fnlnd – hlsnk

ksv – prstn

str – vnn

grc – thns

rlnd – dbln

lchtnstn – vdz

ndrr – ndrr l vll

mlt – vlltt

tly – rm

kzkhstn – stn

ltv – rg

zrbjn – bk

lthn – vlns

lxmbrg – lxmbrg

mcdn        – skpj

mldv – chsn

dnmrk – cpnhgn

mnc – mnc

crt – zgrb

mntngr – pdgrc

plnd – wrsw

nthrlnds – mstrdm

czch rpblc – prg

nrwy – sl

prtgl – lsbn

blgr – sf

grg –         tbls

slvn – ljbljn

rss – mscw

spn –         mdrd

blrs – mnsk

slvk – brtslv

frnc – prs

stn – tllnn

rmn – bchrst

sn mrn – sn mrn

srb – blgrd

swdn – stckhlm

nglnd – lndn

bsn nd hrzgvn – srjv

vtcn cty – vtcn cty

rmn – yrvn

wls – crdff

cyprs – ncs

sctlnd – dnbrgh

blgm – brssls

krn – kyv

swtzrlnd – brn

trky – nkr

Copy and paste one of these sections.

Match these Countries with their Capitals

Draw a line to match each country with its capital

Vatican City                                       Tbilisi

Wales                                                     Rome

Portugal                                                   Amsterdam

Kazakhstan                                                Sarajevo

Turkey                                                   Astana

Georgia                                                    Cardiff

Monaco                                                  Lisbon

Albania                                                  Stockholm

Sweden                                                    Tirana

Slovenia                                                 Ankara

Italy                                                  Ljubljana

Bosnia and Herzegovina                       Vatican City

Netherlands                                           Monaco

Match these Countries with their Capitals

Draw a line to match each country with its capital

Scotland                                            Baku

Switzerland                                         Riga

Slovakia                                               Vienna

Cyprus                                              Valletta

Ukraine                                                  Minsk

Malta                                                    Bratislava

Azerbaijan                                          Helsinki

Belarus                                               Luxembourg

Latvia                                              Bern

Austria                                                 Kyiv

Luxembourg                                          Nicosia

Finland                                            Edinburgh

Croatia                                               Zagreb

Match these Countries with their Capitals

Draw a line to match each country with its capital

Estonia                                            Yerevan

Hungary                                           Reykjavik

Greece                                             San Marino

Romania                                           Budapest

San Marino                                     Andorra la Vella

Andorra                                               Tallinn

Iceland                                                   Oslo

Montenegro                                      Athens

Norway                                                Chisinau

France                                                  Podgorica

Germany                                              Berlin

Armenia                                              Bucharest

Moldova                                                   Paris

Match these Countries with their Capitals

Draw a line to match each country with its capital

Poland                                                Dublin

Denmark                                           Brussels

Spain                                              Copenhagen

Kosovo                                                    Moscow

Serbia                                                   Madrid

Russia                                                Pristina

Bulgaria                                                 Warsaw

Czech Republic                                        Sofia

Belgium                                              Skopje

Macedonia                                                 Prague

Liechtenstein                                         Belgrade

Lithuania                                                   Vaduz

Ireland                                                   Vilnius

Anagrams of European Countries

Have a go at these – answers below

Cold Ants

Vital A

Tzar Sled Win

Old Nap

Ovos ok

Ak Khan Staz

Real Bus

Sea Rib

Lap Or Gut

Box Glue Rum

Cacti Vanity

Rec Gee

A Roe Gig

Akin Rue

A Marine

Banana Hiders Given Zoo

Radar No

Silence Then It

Nice Lad

And Glen

Key Rut

Usa Sir

A Man Irons

Main Oar

I A Actor

Near Gym

Into Sea

A Snip

Hug Yarn

Nail Red

We Send

Las We

No Coma

Glib Aura

Baa Nail

Club Zip Creche

Din Flan

Can Ref

Oval Mod

Mend Ark

Ask Viola

Glib Emu

Amid Ocean

La Tam

Save Lion

Its Aura

Or Yawn

Ha Ail Unit

Cry Sup

A Zebra Jan I

Handle Terns

Gnome Or Ten





Are you sure you want to look?

Scroll down then

Scotland  Cold Ants

Latvia  Vital A

Switzerland   Tzar Sled Win

Poland    Old Nap

Kosovo   Ovos ok

Kazakhstan     Ak Khan Staz

Belarus     Real Bus

Serbia   Sea Rib

Portugal     Lap Or Gut

Luxembourg   Box Glue Rum

Vatican City    Cacti Vanity

Greece    Rec Gee

Georgia    A Roe Gig

Ukraine     Akin Rue

Armenia       A Marine

Bosnia and Herzegovina          Banana Hiders Given Zoo

Andorra         Radar No

Liechtenstein    Silence Then It

Iceland    Lad Nice

England     And Glen

Turkey    Key Rut

Russia     Usa Sir

San Marino     A Man Irons

Romania    Main Oar

Croatia    I A Actor

Germany    Near Gym

Estonia     Into Sea

Spain    A Snip

Hungary     Hug Yarn

Ireland       Nail Red

Sweden     We Send

Wales    Las We

Monaco    No Coma

Bulgaria     Glib Aura

Albania    Baa Nail

Czech Republic   Club Zip Creche

Finland    Din Flan

France    Can Ref

Moldova   Oval Mod

Denmark       Mend Ark

Slovakia     Ask Viola

Belgium    Glib Emu

Macedonia     Amid Ocean

Malta     La Tam

Slovenia     Save Lion

Austria   Its Aura

Norway   Or Yawn

Lithuania    Ha Ail Unit

Cyprus    Cry Sup

Azerbaijan   A Zebra Jan I

Netherlands   Handle Terns

Montenegro    Gnome Or Ten

Italy   Laity

I hope you enjoyed that!

If you are interested in doing a project then check out this notebook:

There’s just a name on each page – so you can add whatever information you like.

14 thoughts on “European Countries and Capitals”

  1. Very interesting site. After going through your lists, I have to admit I don’t know all the names of all the countries in Europe including the capitals. It is great fun to learn these names with the activities you have set out. Good fun way for kids to learn all these country names and its capitals as well. Great work, Julia!

    1. Thank you!  I have enjoyed compiling these lists and finding out more about these countries as I was doing so.

  2. Hi Julia,

    what a fun quiz you’ve put together here! I really like it, especially the “fill-in-the-gaps” style quiz with the missing vowels. That’s a great idea. I am from Europe myself, and I learned alot by going through the list. Back in school we had to learn a lot of these, but obviously, you forget most of them over the years. So it’s a lovely challenge. My son is 3 years old now and it’s probably a bit too early to go through this kind of quiz. On the other hand, I noticed how he is more and more interested in our old terrestrial globe! Every now and then we sit in front of it and he wants me to explain what this is all about! So lovely 🙂

    So thanks again for your inspirational post!

    All the best,

    1. Yes Chris – this is definitely not for 3 year-olds!

      I’m glad you like the fill in the missing gaps activity. 

      With children you could just copy and paste a few depending on age, or for an adult quiz use them all and maybe even take out a few more letters.

  3. Excellent pieces of information!  I have been a special educator for 17yrs and also enjoy teaching and coaching.  I especially enjoy working with individuals with special needs.  The site you provided is very inspirational and will bring value to many parents out there looking to do additional educational activities with them.  Please keep creating great content in this subject area!  Nice Work!

  4. Hello,

    Very informative website! Terrific ideas on how to engage children in mathematics. Today it seems children are not sitting still enough in classrooms and at home to really get the concepts of math as they should be. Your ideas may close the gap some.

    My niece’s child care provider is always looking for ideas on how to extend education among the children she care for. As an after school provider of care for children ranging from 3 – 11years old, she want the children to continue to learn under her care.

    What would you recommend for a group setting (age specific)?

    And, or;

    What would you recommend for a group of all ages within one group?

    Thank you,


    1. Hi, for after school activities I would recommend getting in some games that children will enjoy engaging with. They will soon start teaching each other.

  5. Hi ! great insight and information regarding euro country and capital.I learned some of the new country and capital from your post, and i  always find myself confused with particular bern the country .I think sometime it is overwhelming to remember/recognise the mistake as some of the capital as so big that it feels like it is a country. Thank you for the compiling the list for our convenience.Cheers


  6. Hi Julia,

    You have created an excellent list here.  This is not just helpful for children, but for everyone.  I am going to bookmark this page for myself.  I need to brush up on my geographical skills.

    Do you maybe have a PDF document you are willing to share on your page?

    Thanks for a great list with fun activities!

  7. HAHA! I thought I was an ace at geography. There were a handful of cities I missed and I wasn’t aware that Azerbaijan was even in Europe? Most importantly I was able to brush up on my European geography. What really helps “trick” my mind into remembering is how you have a list of the countries – and cities, but with their vowels missing ( the capital letter is the clue) When I looked over the main list a few times, plus – for me it helps to repeat outloud, I was able to easily identify all the correct cities and countries. Easy peasy! 

  8. Such a good information about European capitals after reading your site a found very interesting how they use capital and you right the not many people know about it.. i put my kid to read a little bit and she have fun learning this new letters for her, she was asking me if we can buy a book of this European countries and capital.. thank you for the info..

  9. I am always frustrated by many American’s lack of history and geography knowledge. Many barely know where the capital of our own country is. I looked at these lists and saw that I didn’t know many of the European capitals however!

    Good for you for spreading this basic information that most of us don’t know! I now have a few more committed to memory. 



    1. Hi Swangirl,

      I was quite surprised that I didn’t know all of them – so I enjoyed creating this for others to enjoy and benefit from.

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