Author name: Julia

Roaring Into Learning: The Best Dinosaur Songs For Kids

We all know that kids seem to have an innate fascination with dinosaurs. It’s mind-blowing to think that these colossal creatures once roamed the land where we walk today. Maybe it’s their gigantic stature, studded with armour-like plates and spears for tails, or possibly the fact that they had the kind of chompers you’d rather …

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Effective Communication Techniques With Your Child

As a teacher and tutor with experience working with children, I believe that cultivating empathy is the doorway to effective communication with your child. This is not just a technique for me, but a cornerstone philosophy. By endeavouring to see things from your child’s perspective, you become better equipped to understand their feelings, which facilitates …

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Christmas Poems for KS1

Snowy Christmas In the twinkling winter night, Snowflakes dance with sheer delight. Silver bells and stars so bright, Christmas cheer is taking flight. Children laughing, snowball fight, Snowmen standing, oh so white. In the glow of moonlight’s sight, Winter’s beauty, pure and right. Warm at home, by fire’s light, Stockings hung, the mood is light. …

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Raising Digital Natives: Helping Kids Build Healthy Tech Habits

In the digital age, the extensive use of technology is inevitable for today’s youth. From classrooms incorporating tablets and laptops to mobile phones offering constant connectivity, kids have screen access unlike any previous generation. While devices and the online world provide information and entertainment at the touch of a button, there are also risks in …

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"Spelt" vs "Spelled"

“Spelt” vs “Spelled”: Unveiling the Nuances of English Spelling

Introduction: The English language is a captivating maze of words with a multitude of spellings and usages that often vary across different regions of the globe. One such pair that presents a lexical curiosity is “spelt” and “spelled,” both of which are the past tense and past participle forms of the verb “to spell.” This …

“Spelt” vs “Spelled”: Unveiling the Nuances of English Spelling Read More »

Puffins in UK

Introduction Puffins are one of the most recognisable seabirds in the world, with their colourful striped beaks and stocky bodies. But did you know that the Atlantic puffin population declined by up to 80% in the 20th century? With threats from climate change and human activity, puffins need our help. This post will cover puffin …

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