Adverbs KS2 – Describing a verb


What is an adverb?

Why Adverbs KS2?

It is important to learn about adverbs in KS2 but there will be more complex explanations and examples in KS3 and beyond.

An adverb is a word that describes a verb, at least that’s what I remember learning at school. It’s a  little bit more complicated than that.

An adverb can also describe an adjective or another adverb.

However, let’s not overcomplicate it when teaching, unless your child is ready for the next stage.

Here’s a song for your child



Some examples of adverbs that describe a verb.

The adverb is not always next to the verb. It often describes how something was done.

I have underlined the adverb.

Cautiously, the Fox looked around the farm.

The sailor courageously climbed the mast.

The teacher cheerfully took the children out to play.

The boy played football enthusiastically.

The girl looked around the garden inquisitively.

The postman nervously walked around the dog.

The vet gently put a bandage on the cat.

The market trader shouted loudly to the crowd to come and look at all his goods.

These next sentences include the adverb that answers the question “when?”

Before we went for our dinner, we washed our hands.

We often went shopping.

We must get to school punctually.

Tomorrow we will go swimming.

I am hoping to get a bicycle soon.

I need to clean my bedroom now.

I have to hoover again.

These sentences include the adverb that answers the question “how often?”

The clock chimes hourly.

Occasionally we go to the seaside.

I tell her repeatedly not to break my toys.

We pay our car insurance annually.

Usually, the cat likes to be stroked.

I am constantly cleaning up.

I never get to play with the Lego.

These sentences include the adverb that answers the question “where?”

The kitchen is downstairs.

Look up to see the sky.

Can you feel the sand below your feet?

I left my gloves here.

Let’s go outside and play.

These sentences include the adverb that answers the question “how much?”

He is completely mad.

You ate almost all the biscuits.

I think that dress is rather nice.

We got very wet.

There are two adverbs in these sentences.

The criminal solemnly swore that he would never steal again.

The police often had to drive quickly to catch criminals who were escaping.

Eventually, the boy carefully hung up all his shirts.

Games to play with adverbs

Here is a miming game to play – it is free on the TES site if you join.

You can devise your own if you have a list of verbs and a list of adverbs.

Try the quiz on this BBC Bitesize page

Check out this Adverbs wordsearch

Some adverb lists for KS2

These ones you have to download

And these worksheets are from America and so use American spelling rather than British spelling so be careful with them if you are in the UK.

Worksheets for Adverbs

I am including some links here for worksheets to do with adverbs however I never really advocate just using worksheets as they are written.  Sometimes it is helpful for you to see the sort of activity of child might do but I would try and think of a way to cut it up and make a game of it.  At the very least is it possible to make a quiz out of it maybe even with some prizes? Put individual words on cards cut them out and then reorder them.

I am not sure why the first piece is called “nice” homework.

Interactive stories where you can choose some adverbs

Finish the story – Bushfire

Make sure your speakers are turned on!

Adverbs KS2

Super Stories – The Sea Cave

Or try using one of these storybook creators:

all of which give you a lot more freedom and lots of actions to describe.

Adverbs KS2

Adverbs Powerpoint KS2

Here are some useful powerpoints –  they are all free.

There are plenty more here and these tell you what year group they are suitable for – 


There are masses of videos on YouTube here are just a few that you might like to check out.

But the adverbs describing adjectives here are not ones you would want to use too much of.

I like this video – there is more detail.  However, you might want to start with the first one and move on to this one.

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

What have I missed out?

19 thoughts on “Adverbs KS2 – Describing a verb”

  1. Julia,
    Teaching of this magnitude wonderfully done. I do not know if you are an actual teacher; but you should be. I would have loved having this when teaching my children verbs and adverbs they were very confusing for me when I was in school. You have broken it down simply and given many examples which now makes them easier to identify not only for the children but adults who had trouble in school learning the difference.
    Thank you I will be returning to see what else you have come up with to make tutoring children easier.

    1. Hi Susan,

      Thank you for this!  I am a teacher and tutor and I love helping other people. 

      Let me know if you have any topics you would like covering and I will do my best to help out!

      Thanks again for your encouragement!


  2. Great Post! Brilliant site. I think it is (and always has been) a parents responsibility to prepare their children for life, rather than just expecting school to do it. Teaching them beforehand can give them a confidence boost and reduce stress as well (in my opinion of course).

    I’ll be honest here, its been a while since school so I have probably forgotten a lot of what I learned. It is always nice to refresh your memory especially with The Adverb Song. I think the examples of how, when and where are great with the dog, the school and the bus as examples. I think kids would definitely enjoy this video.

    1. Thanks Renton,

      I also think kids come home and ask parents questions about what they have been learning and I am hoping that this will grow into a guide to help parents as well as their children.

  3. Hey Julia,

    What a fantastic website you have.  I love the way you describe adverb by splitting it in short lessons.  Your website is a great resource for kids.  I am definitely going to share on my social.

    The another think I noticed, that you includes so many other useful resources in your post, that’s really awesome.  I am thoroughly impressed.  

    P.S.  Julia, when I try to share on my social, was not able to.  The pop up is not working and only pinterest button works, and it landed me back on your site.


  4. This is definitely a great learning system. The sheer number of resources available here shows that this site can be a hub for kids either struggling to learn or would love to supplement their learning. When it comes to adverbs, I’ve come to realize many of them end in ‘ly,’ which as you mentioned, describes a verb. 

    Anyway, Julia, just going through your site in general shows me the site’s value. I love the build out as a whole and in time, I can see this becoming an authority site in the learning niche, but in a fun and interactive way. 

  5. Hey Julia,

    I’ve really enjoyed reading this article as you’ve provided us with tonnes of valuable information on “Adverbs”. Not only do I want to teach my child about this, but in the process, I’ve managed to recollect some information again. You sure did mention a lot of things. I’ll share this blog with my friends who can then teach their kids as well.

    Thank you for the informative article. Keep up the good work Julia!

  6. Wow…I’m so glad to come across this post. I am too busy at times, running my local small business, and would not have Tim Eto tutor my daughter on those days. However, with the help of your videos and songs, even when I am not physically present, I can still be sure my daughter is spending her time productively.


  7. This should be the most useful article that I have read this week really. My son came home from school yesterday and was asking me about adverbs then we did his homework and I told him that we would do a little lesson on it today but I have refresh my memory and here I am with the most educative piece of article and even a video tailored for teaching kids about adverbs. Thank you so so much. I would just let him watch the video as soon as he is we get home. And this is me bookmarking your page for help with tutoring them.

  8. This is an informative and educative article. You have thoroughly put everything in perspective for anyone reading this post to understand the points. Your article made me remember all I learnt during few years ago during my days in school. This throwback is really interesting and I appreciate the fact that you shared some links with us.

  9. This is a great informative and educative article. You have put everything in perspective for anyone reading this post .You have done this wonderfully well, nicely put together. Are an actual teacher? Teaching my children will be fun tonight as I have bookmarked the page. We will have fun learning it together. You have broken it down lots of examples which will makes it easier to identify them.
    I will love to see more teachings for lids on this page.

  10. Thanks for this tutorial on adverbs. You’ve made my job much easier.

    Although, I don’t home school my kids, I would hate to be stumped when they need my help with home work. 

    Thanks to your article, I have been reminded and refreshed with sound knowledge of adverbs. 

    I can even apply this knowledge to my kids that are not in KS2.

  11. I never thought I would see this to be sincere, it’s been long since school, i have probably forgotten a lot of what I was taught then especially parts of speech, for example this adverb. I do not really know my way around it but it seem to me that you have broken them simply with examples which makes them easier to identify, not only for kids but for people like me who had troubles with the differences back in school. Its good to refresh memory. 

  12. Hello, I would like to really appreciate your effort here to making sure that our kids and Junior ones get the best educative content available online. This is  by far the most educative content have seen for young ones I’m sure this will definitely increase and enhance their knowledge. I will be recommending this page for my aunt so she can help her kids the best educative content online. Thanks

  13. Sometimes I do babysit my 8-year-old grandson and he comes with homework. For me, it is sometimes a bit challenging since in my time things were taught so dry that you started daydreaming instead of listening.

    Your article on adverbs is absolutely stunning and it certainly does engage with children, myself included 🙂

    I like the videos and I know my grandson will love them too, this is so educational and it is a real “learning by doing”.

    I have saved your site for further reference, certainly something I can take from it to be of some help to my little guy.

    Thank you for sharing.


  14. I absolutely love what I read in this insightful article because it is full of great information. This is fascinating and interesting to me.Every parents must take it has responsibility to teach their children at home to make it easier for their teachers in school. They are the leaders of tomorrow ,education is the key. 

    What a great post, great site. Thanks for the article, it’s very resourceful 

  15. My boys are still in KS1, but my older son is in year 2 so he’ll be in KS2 next year. I am definitely going to show him this song, he talks about verbs and adjectives all day! He will love this song. Honestly, I’m terrible at grammar but my kids seem to love it so I’m happy to have an easy way to help them!

  16. Very helpful article to me because I do help my sister tutor my nieces and your article has given me very good pointers as to how to effectively teach adverbs. Your website is very helpful both to children and parents, I will be coming back for more great stuff. Keep up the good work.


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