English Tutors for Adults

English Tutors for Adults

We know that there is a rise in the number of parents who are looking for tutors for their children but there people are also looking for English tutors for adults.

Where you are an adult looking for a tutor or a tutor looking to support adults you might want to take a look at Tutorful.

I have written about Tutorful here.

To be a tutor, you need to be in the UK and go through all the usual checks – the site will give you some support to do this. You can then choose whether to tutor live in your community or tutor online or do a mixture.  If you have enjoyed tutoring your own child then this might be a natural extra stream of income.

If you are looking for a tutor you don’t have to be in the UK, but in that case, you would need to opt for online tutoring.

You could choose me – Julia K from Birmingham – on the system, or any other tutor that is offering what you need.

Click here to go straight to Tutorful and get £5 off your first lesson.


Learning to teach
Learning to teach

QTS Skills Training

I do tutoring for a mixture of adults and children.

One area that I have expertise in is supporting potential teaching staff in passing their QTS Skills in Literacy and Numeracy.

QTS stands for Qualified Teacher Status and now in order to be accepted onto a teaching degree course you need to have passed your QTS Skills Test.

Introduction to the QTS Skills Test on the government site

– this is where you will get the latest up-to-date information


Example papers –

If you are fairly confident with your Maths and English you may find just downloading these papers – which have good clear explanations of the answers – may be enough to let you prepare for the tests.  Ideally, you would complete the papers under test conditions and then mark it. You have a separate marking sheet and explanation sheet, so you can use the marking sheet first, then have another go at any you have got wrong before turning to the explanation sheets.



There are four tests available in each section.

Extra help needed

If you look at these and find them challenging then you may want a tutor.

If you have good GCSE’s in these subjects you should be able to pass (you can take the tests a number of times), but they do include areas that are not covered by the GCSE curriculum and there is a timed section in the maths with takes a bit of getting used to for some people, especially if you have done little or no mental arithmetic for a couple of years.

I was trained to support those taking the QTS skills tests when they first appeared so I have quite a lot of experience with them.

Unless you are near the south of Birmingham, in which case I could arrange to meet up with you, the sessions would need to be done online, or with another tutor.

Don’t forget your £5 voucher.

And good luck whether you are taking QTS tests or are looking for a tutor for another reason.


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