Year 6 Maths Tutor

Year 6 Maths Tutor

If you are looking for a Year 6 Maths Tutor click here to go to the Tutorful site.

This is an affiliate link for Tutorful and below are some poems from the perspective of a Year 6 maths tutor. Having a good maths tutor can really make a difference, whether you want an online tutor or somebody who can visit your home in person.

You shouldn’t be afraid to try more than one person and Tutorful makes it easy to do this.

My Tutor

Maths is one of those things that,

Often, people think they can do without.

But, when it comes to crunch time and you’re struggling,

Then you’re glad somebody was there to tutor.

My tutor is patient, she never gets mad,

Even when I’m asking the same question 100 times.

She’s always willing to help me try again

Until I finally understand what’s going on.

I don’t know what I’d do without her this year,

When everything’s just a little too tough.

So thank you, thank you, dear tutor,

For all your help with maths – it’s much appreciated!

Here to help

I’m Here to Help You Out

I am the maths tutor,
the one who helps with homework,
and guides you through the year.
I know that some of you don’t like maths,
but I’m here to help you out.
I will help you to understand,
and make sure that you pass.

A Tutor’s Job Is Not An Easy One

A tutor’s job is not an easy one

Especially with year 6 maths

But with careful planning and organisation

They can help the children learn and have fun.

The tutor has to be very patient

And must be able to explain things clearly

If they can do this well

The children will succeed.


Helping Young Minds to Grow

I spend my days with numbers and equations

With constants and variables

I help them to understand what they’re working with

And how to solve the problems they face

I’m like a coach, a mentor, a friend

Helping these young minds to grow

Through gentle guidance and support

I help them achieve their goals

Maths is hard for some, but with my help

They soon begin to see the light

It’s a great feeling when they finally get it

And I know I’ve helped them reach their potential.

I am a Tutor

I am a tutor of year six maths,

Helping students with their sums.

I have to be patient and

Calm, as some of them find it tough.

I need to make sure they understand

The concepts that we are discussing.

Their progress is what I hope to see,

So that they can be successful in life.

Basic Maths

A tutor’s guide to basic maths

For Year 6 students

Once you understand the basics

You can do complex equations

But this all starts with addition, subtraction,

Multiplication and division

These are the building blocks

That will help you succeed

In fractions and decimals too

So be sure to pay attention

And practice, practice, practice.


A light-bulb comes on

Whenever I tutor year 6 maths,

I can see the lightbulb turn on

In their brains as they finally understand

The concept that’s been eluding them

It’s a great feeling when I can help them learn

And see that look of success and happiness

That’s why I love tutoring year 6 maths.

Helping Kids with Maths

Helping kids with maths

is something I really enjoy

I’m patient and I have the skill

to help them understand

I work with them one on one

and make sure they get it right

This is a job that I truly love

and I am so glad I can do it

Helping Them Learn

Teaching is something that I truly love,

Especially when it comes to maths!

There’s something about solving equations

That just makes me feel alive.

I love working with kids, helping them learn

And seeing their faces light up with a grin.

It’s so rewarding when they finally understand

The concepts that we’ve been working on.

I can’t wait to help your child grow and learn,

And watch them succeed in maths!

A Tricky Subject

Maths is a tricky subject

It can be hard to understand

But with a tutor by your side

You can achieve anything

They’ll help you focus and stay on track

So you can master maths in no time.


Like a Puzzle

Maths is like a puzzle

we have to try and fit all the pieces together

sometimes it’s hard, but it’s always worth it

once we’ve solved the puzzle, we’re one step closer to understanding

the world around us.

Bringing Order to Chaos

Helping kids with maths

Bringing order to chaos

Adding and subtracting

Multiplying and dividing

Fractions and decimals

It’s all a part of the plan

Helping kids understand

The world of numbers

So they can succeed in life.

Not a Game

Maths is not a game

But it can be fun

With the right person to guide you

You can learn and understand

Everything that is required

To succeed in this subject

When it comes to tutoring year 6 maths

I am the best!

As I Sit Down To Help This Child

As I sit down to help this child,

I am suddenly aware of how much I’ve forgotten.

Numbed by a curriculum that is ever-changing,

trying to recall the methods I once knew.

In drills that were once so fluid, now seem so stiff;

I am reminded of why I do this: for the love of learning.

To see the lightbulb moment in a student’s eye,

to help them understand what was once confusing,

makes all the struggles worth it.

Especially Year 6

I love helping out with maths,

Especially with year six,

They always seem so keen,

To understand and learn.

I love it when they get it right,

And they beam with pride,

It’s such a joy to see,

The progress that they’ve made. 

Each Student

Maths is the subject I tutor

I must do my best to help each student

I can’t let them give up

They need to understand

The concepts and ideas

That we are discussing

This isn’t always easy

But with hard work, they can succeed.

Someone You Need

A maths tutor is someone you need

When numbers just don’t make sense

Someone who can help you find the key

To solving problems you can’t see

A guide to help you stay on track

With skills that will help you excel

So if you’re feeling overwhelmed

Just know that a maths tutor is near.

Soon the Room is Buzzing

The tutor arrives,

And soon the room is buzzing

With mathematicians at work

Covering topics from last year

To what’s new this term.

There’s laughter and occasional groans

As we work through problems together

But it’s all worth it in the end

When we finally ‘get it’.


So They Can Do Their Best in Their Final Tests

I am a maths tutor for year 6 students, 

Helping them understand what’s been going on, 

Getting them up to scratch with where they should be, 

So they can do their best in the final tests.

If you are looking for a Year 6 Maths Tutor you can click here to go to the Tutorful site.

They have some amazing tutors working for them.

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