Poems about Maths KS1

Poetry can be a delightful way to explore and understand mathematical concepts, especially for Key Stage 1 (KS1) students. Here are a few short poems that blend the fun of poetry with basic maths principles, suitable for young learners:

1. Counting Stars

In the night sky, so vast and wide,
Counting stars, we take in stride.
One, two, three, and then some more,
Maths makes counting less of a chore.

Stars twinkle in patterns so neat,
Like numbers in rows, so precise and discrete.
Learning maths, as we gaze afar,
Counting each little twinkling star.

2. Shapes All Around

See the shapes around us, here and there,
Circles, squares, triangles everywhere.
Round as a clock or square as a box,
Shapes are the keys that fit many locks.

A triangle roof on a square little house,
Quiet as a mouse with no room for a louse.
Shapes in maths, so simple and sound,
In every corner, they are found.

3. Addition Adventure

Two little ducks went out one day,
Under the sky, so wide  I’ll say.
They met three frogs on a lily pad,
Now how many friends have they had?

Two plus three, let’s count and see,
One, two, three, four, and five, as happy as can be.
Adding numbers, oh what fun!
In maths, adventures have just begun.

4. The Subtraction Train

Five apples on the tree so high,
One fell off, then there were four, oh my!
Subtracting is fun, let’s take away,
How many apples left today?

Count them now, one, two, three, four,
Subtraction makes maths not a bore.
Learning to take away and to share,
Maths takes us places, here and there.

5. The Money Tree

In my garden, guess what I see?
A shiny coin tree, just for me!
Pennies, pounds, all in a spree,
Learning about money, happy as can be.

Counting coins, one, two, three,
How much money can there be?
Adding them up, oh what glee,
Maths with money, as easy as tea.

6. Time Ticking Away

Tick tock, says the clock on the wall,
Counting the hours, standing tall.
Morning, noon, and nightfall,
Maths in time, has a ball.

Seconds, minutes, hours we say,
Time moves on, night and day.
Learning time, in work and play,
Maths in time, leads the way.

7. The Fraction Picnic

Half a sandwich, quarter a pie,
Fractions at the picnic, under the sky.
Sharing equally, as birds fly by,
Maths with fractions, let’s give it a try!

One whole cake, split in four,
Each gets a piece, who could ask for more?
Fractions make maths not a bore,
In this picnic, they’re at the core.

8. The Geometry Dance

Shapes on the floor, shapes in the air,
Geometry dance, here and there.
Circles, squares, triangles fair,
In this dance, shapes everywhere.

Turn around, make a square,
Step in a circle, with flair to spare.
Geometry is fun, with shapes to pair,
In this dance, maths is everywhere.

9. The Multiplication March

Two by two, they march in line,
Multiplication, oh so fine.
Four, six, eight, and then ten,
Counting in twos, again and again.

Join the march, don’t be late,
Multiplying’s really great!
In this march, numbers dance,
Maths in motion, take a chance.

10. Division Pond

Five ducks swimming in a row,
Divide them by, let’s see the show.
Two groups here and there,
One alone, but all fair.

Sharing equally, nice and sound,
In division, answers are found.
At the pond, maths is fun,
Until the day is done.

11. The Measuring Game

Long and short, tall and small,
In the measuring game, we have a ball.
Rulers, scales, and measuring tape,
Shapes and sizes, every make.

How long, how wide, let’s find out,
Measuring things all about.
In this game, maths is real,
Measuring things, what a deal!

12. The Number Train

Choo-choo, the number train is here,
Full of digits, from far and near.
One, two, three, up to ten,
Riding the numbers, time and again.

Each carriage a number, in a row,
The train of maths, ready to go.
Learn the numbers, join the train,
In maths land, there’s much to gain.



These poems incorporate basic maths concepts like counting, shapes, addition, and subtraction, making them ideal for KS1 students. They are designed to be engaging and easy to understand, fostering a love for both maths and poetry in young learners.

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