Dolphin Facts for Kids

Dolphin Facts for Kids


The great thing about working with your child at home is that you can pick up on their interests.  Many children like dolphins and so I have decided to do this page on dolphin facts for kids and how that might be the start of a project.

I loved dolphins from an early age and enjoyed the children’s TV programme “Flipper”.  That ages me!  Flipper was a bottle-nosed dolphin who looked like this one.

Start with a video clip.

There are lots of video clips you could choose from.

Here is one from YouTube called ”Five Facts About Dolphins”:

Here are some of the facts that are mentioned. There are 43 species of dolphin, including 38 marine varieties and 5 river varieties.  Dolphins can swim at 34 miles an hour. Killer whales, which are a type of dolphin can be about 32 ft long. Dolphins are mammals not fish, and dolphins breathe through their blowholes whereas fish breathe through their gills.

You could just watch the video and then discuss it and see how many of the facts your child picked up on.  Or you could write out some questions first so that they’re listening out for the answers and writing them down.

Basic facts on a webpage

Here I’m going to give you some websites that should be fairly accessible to a lot of children and some questions to go with them.

You can copy and paste the questions into a Word document or something similar and then the child will be able to answer the questions from the information on the website.  It might be interesting to see how many questions are they can answer before looking at the website and use that to check there answers. Bear in mind that not all websites will give you the same information so you need to decide what you think is the most likely right answer, or whether you decide that nobody really knows the right answer.

Equally, you could start with one question and a suggested website and then your child could tell you what else they found out that was interesting. You could then follow up with further questions or perhaps give them a fact that you know and they can tell you if they already knew that from their reading.  They might like to give you a test. You can decide how much of an expert you can pretend to be.

How clever do you think dolphins are?

Are dolphins vegetarian?

What whale is really a dolphin?

Which dolphin is the most common?

What are male,  female and young dolphins called?

How many individuals are there usually in a dolphin school or pod?

Give some reasons as to why dolphins are so popular with humans.

How do dolphins breathe?

Write something about dolphins’ eyesight and hearing?

How to dolphins communicate with each other?

How do dolphins find objects?

Name one type of dolphin which may have become extinct.

What do humans do that is dangerous for dolphins?

Dolphins live in the sea. Do they drink the water?

How many teeth do dolphins have?

What do dolphins use their teeth to do?

Can dolphins see at night?

Do dolphins see in colour?

Can dolphins see underwater?

Can dolphins see above water?

This is one of my favourite questions. Do dolphins have hair?

In what way are dolphins different from fish?


More Videos

All About Dolphins for Kids: Dolphins for Children – FreeSchool

This video is a bit longer than the last one. It is 5 minutes long. It recaps on quite a lot of the answers to the questions that we’ve got above and it gives some extra information.

Here’s another dolphin video – also about 5 minutes long.

This video is for older children and has some quizzes and lesson materials to go with it.

Ed-Ted lesson material –

Does it help dolphins to help humans?

Here is a fascinating article about dolphins that have been helping humans fish since 1847


Is your child ready for some quizzes?

Try these: – Just six questions but will you know all the answers? 10 questions

This one is harder but it marks itself as it goes along, so you get to learn at the same time.

More challenging questions, but again you get the answers as you go along so it is interesting to do.  The questions are randomised so you get some of the same questions and some new ones if you do it again.

(I couldn’t do all these and I couldn’t see the answers.)

At “All The Tests” you can do other quizzes or create your own.

Would you like to know how to draw a dolphin?

Try following the instructions on this video:

Or take a look at this page  or .

This one is a lot more complex–cms-28672


Some other fun Dolphin activities – a variety of different activities. – make a dolphin model.


For you as an adult

A teacher’s guide – this is to go with a particular film – but it does have a lot of general information in it.

An article from the Guardian:

This was one of my favourite books as a youngster:

The Day of the Dolphin by Robert Merle  I suspect it’s rather dated!

There was also a film to go with it. The Day of the Dolphin [ 1973 ] by George C. Scott

Some Children’s Dolphin Books from Amazon

Winter’s Tail: How One Little Dolphin Learned to Swim Again by Craig Hatkoff

Everything Dolphins: Dolphin Facts, Photos, and Fun that Will Make You Flip

Dolphins: Amazing Pictures & Fun Facts on Animals in Nature (Our Amazing World Series)

Dolphin Boy by Michael Morpurgo


Let me know what you thought of this article, what else you would have liked to see here, and any requests you have for other articles.  Just drop me a comment below.

9 thoughts on “Dolphin Facts for Kids”

  1. Hi Julia,

    that is such a cool resource! Thank you so much for collecting all this information. It makes it so easy for me as a dad to start a project on that topic. My son isn’t home schooled (he’s actually just three years old) but I’d definitely enjoy doing a project on a topic like that with him in my spare time. He already shows interest in animals (what kid does not) and I bet it would be amazing to combine such a project with a “field day” to the zoo or sea life or so.

    Thanks for sharing,

    1. Hi Chris, Thanks for your encouragement!  

      With younger children, or any children in fact, a project can often start with just chatting, sharing video clips (short), visiting places etc. and then more in depth projects can follow the child’s interests, with you supporting what they want to do, rather than trying to get them to do things.

      All the best, Julia

  2. Hi, I  have just had look at your site. I really like the ideas you put forward. If you are thinking of tutoring your child at home I think that finding new and fun ways of engaging with them is so important. I also love the idea of dolphins as a theme to interact and teach your kids. You really have a lot of passion for your site and it shows. Thanks again, Kenny.

    1. Thank you Kenny.

      I am loving creating this site with the help of Wealthy Affiliate (see advert on the right if you want to know more).

      I loved dolphins as a child and loved reading about them and watching films about them and I still do. I think many children do too, so it was an obvious choice for a post.

  3. What kid doesn’t like dolphins? By the way, I might be rather dated myself as I remember Flipper! Loved that show. They also had a talking dolphin on SeaQuest an older and sadly failed TV show. But I happened to love it. Dolphins are pretty exciting and fun animals, though I hear they can be jerks in the wild. But they’re so charming and intelligent. Excellent list of resources. 

  4. As a lover of nature and a father, I find this resource very useful. I really like how the outline is laid out and is very easy to follow. 

    A highlight for me was the section of links. 

    You put a lot of time into researching the topic on our behalf and served it up nicely so that we can share with our loved ones. Awesome job!

  5. Hi, I used to be a big fan of dolphins when I was smaller. I remember my parents would take me to all sorts of shows with dolphins whenever we went on a vacation close to the beach. I was always fascinated!

    These resources you offer are great, I happen to have a friend whose daughter loves animals. She’s too small to know them by name, but she like all water creatures. So I’m pretty sure she’s going to like dolphins as well. I loved the video of drawing a dolphin, when she grows up a bit I will surely have that activity with her. I don’t have any kids myself, but when I do – they will probably be fans of dolphins, as I was. So I surely know where to find resources (not just about dolphins, but about all sorts of activities). Thanks a lot for this great website.

    1. Hi,

      Thanks Ashley!

      I quite enjoy doing some of the activities myself.  But it is great to share activities like this with children!

      All the best,


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