Tutorful review

Tutorful review

£5 off lesson if you want to try Tutorful

If you’re looking for a tutor in England, then Tutorful may be a good place to start. To make it easy I’ve created a Tutorful review for you so that you can see whether this is likely or not to meet your needs.

Here is a link to Tutorful which gives you £25 off your first lesson.

Tutorful Tutors

All of its tutors are from England and have had to give at least two references, prove their ID and also show their DBS documents for safeguarding purposes.

Some of the tutors will just be available in the evening and some of them will be available all day which means that if you are to the east of England because of the time changes you might find this is a useful website to find a British English-speaking tutor.

Some tutors only do home visits in their local area whereas others also do online work. There will be other tutors who only do online work. The cost is the same whether or not the tutor is visiting you and your home or working online with you or your child.

Book me for any of these areas:

I am on Tutorful myself and so if you would like me to tutor you just look for Julia Kossowska.   (Update – I have now retired but there are plenty of other quality tutors.)

Primary Maths

Primary English

SATs – years 2 and years 6

11+ and other entrance exams.

Maths for secondary school students who are struggling and would like more of a primary approach to the subject.

Coaching for primary school parents – You might like to consider this option instead of tutoring for your child. As a teacher, I often supported parents who wanted to help their children, and I could often cover a lot more material with the parents who were then able to spend time with their own children in smaller chunks of time.

I do both home visits if you live in the south Birmingham area and online tutoring if you don’t or prefer the online option.

Children love it as well as benefiting from it!

Many children love the experience of being tutored and the extra confidence it gives them.

You might think that for a child who is struggling at school, having a tutor and extra lessons would be a right pain. However, it doesn’t seem to work like that. If you have a good tutor your child will get to know them, become more confident about asking questions and find themselves being able to do things in class with their friends rather than being left behind. They will start to find a variety of subjects more interesting.

Not every child takes to every tutor, so an agency like Tutorful is ideal. You can try a tutor and if the relationship works, which most of them do, stay with them. However, if for some reason this doesn’t seem to be a good experience for your child, it is very easy to try a different person.

In the video below you hear from a couple of pupils as to why they and their parents decided to try having support from tutors.

Tutorful Video –

Tutorful used to be called Tutora – so in this video where we learn why Tutorful was set up you will hear the name Tutora rather than Tutorful, but be assured it is the same organisation.

How to find your tutor

Just click on this picture when you are ready.

Click to get £5 off
Click to get £5 off

You can then choose in person or online.

If you choose in person the tutor will come to your home or wherever you agree. Each tutor will have put in a maximum distance that they are prepared to travel so you should only see tutors who would be happy to come to where you live or somewhere nearby.

You will also choose the subject, the level that the tutoring is for and if you have chosen in person you also need to need your location.

You will then get a list of people who are available to be a tutor for your child/young person.

Then you will see a shortened profile of each tutor – for example:

See our great tutors.
See our great tutors.

Here you can see how many repeat students each tutor has taught, how far away they are, how many hours they have taught and an indication of how quickly they are likely to get back to you.

If you like the look of someone you can then click “View profile” and find out more about them. If you then want to get in touch with them there is a message me button on the full profile page, and then you can exchange information before going ahead and signing up with them.

£25 off Tutorful
£25 off Tutorful

Tutoring Works!!

Tutoring does make a difference.

If you want to help your child by getting them a tutor, don’t forget you can get £25 off your first lesson by using one of the links on this page.

Any questions or feedback?

If you have any questions, comments or feedback, I would love to hear from you!

All the best!!


28 thoughts on “Tutorful review”

  1. Wow, I wish this were available in the U.S.!  My son is studying for the TEAS test which is a nursing entrance exam.  I have been searching online for a good tutoring solution for him.  This is a really great review!  We have used tutors in the past for various subjects, and they have always worked out very well.  Want to come to Florida?  😀

    1. Hi Matt’s Mom,

      Thank you for your encouragement!

      It sounds as if your son is doing very well, and now needs much more specialised help.  Good luck with finding the right person and good luck to Matt in his nursing entrance exam!!

      All the best,


  2. Todd Matthews

    I’ve always looked at tutors as personal trainers but in the academic scale. It’s true that these are the people our kids will be, in a way, turning to them for every bit of advice on the subject matter being taught, which may seem awkward in the very initial phases but after a while becomes second nature.

    I also like the fact that with Tutorful, references and documentation is required, showing this company’s legitimacy and it’s not a place just anyone can get on. That says a lot, and it shows they’re committed to higher quality education for kids who are looking to take their academia to the next level. 

    1. Hi Todd,

      Seeing tutors as personal trainers who bring out the best in your children is an excellent way to look at tutors!

      Tutorful is indeed quite exacting in its demands, checking on the legitimacy and suitableness of its tutors.

      It is also quite straight-forward to change tutors if you later come across someone else who you think will be better for your child, or if your child outgrows their tutor, taking their studies to higher levels.

      All the best,


  3. Hello Julia

    I must agree with you, must children enjoy being tutored. It helps give them an edge in the classroom, which in turn, helps boost the self esteem of these children. I think the tutorful program is a laudable one because, it helps guardians easily select the right and qualified tutor for their wards.

    1. Hi Louis,

      You are absolutely right!  Children benefit from both the extra help and the boost in self-esteem, each of which then continues to boost the other!

      As you say, Tutorful is excellent in the amount of information you get about the tutors and then parents/guardians can make appropriate choices.


  4. This is a great and simple to follow guide on tutorful.

     You laid it all out clearly and showed series of examples that helped emphasize your various points. This guide will be very useful for my team. I have heard about tutorful before but I haven’t tasted its benefit this much.

    This is the most comprehensive review I have ever read about tutorful.

    This is the type of information some so-called bloggers will love to hide from public knowledge. I’m so happy I found your blog

    1. Hi Ola,

      I am glad you found this useful.

      Have you got a lot of parents on your team? They might also like the other information I share on my website for free.

      One very useful page deals with teaching children their multiplication tables in ways that they will enjoy https://tutor-your-child.com/h

      All the best,


  5. Thanks for writing this review on tutorful, and I find it full of information.

    I must say this is my first time of hearing about tutorful and as am thinking about it. It going to help me to get after school tutorial for my kids in other for them to improve in there learning in school.i will try and seerch for your name on it

    1. Hi Ajibola,

      It’s great to hear from you.  I am glad that you are thinking carefully about your children’s education.  Some parents spend time helping their children with homework etc. Many are very busy but know that their children could do with some extra and that’s where tutoring helps plug the gaps.

      All the best,


  6. Tutoring does work and I am the living proof of that. As a child, growing up in Thailand and trying catch up with all the curriculums was hard for me. There were 50 plus of us in the classroom and the teacher just cannot cover all the students. In order for us to go to a good high school or university, we need a good GPA. I was performing poorly in school so my dad got me a tutor to help with my homework and cover with the curriculum. It helped me since I get to practice the lesson again with the tutor and also get to finish my homework. When I was high school, since having a tutor can be pricey, I want to the cramped school as well and I was able to get into a good university 🙂 I see that technology has come a long way, now we can just use the app to tutor, that is amazing. Will reccommend your site to my friends who have children. 

    1. Hi Nuttanee,

      What a great story! I am glad everything worked out so well for you!

      Thank you for recommending my site to your friends and family. I hope they enjoy it.

      They might like to check out other pages such as the page on learning fraction online using games https://tutor-your-child.com/o

      Thanks again,

      All the best,


  7. It’s nice to know about Tutorful. Having online tutor is really great because even now we have online classes and courses and exam taken by students. My observation about this article is that Tutorful is only available in England and I would love to have a tutor for primary English for my little brother.  My question is can a tutor be requested from outside England? Thanks in anticipation. 

    1. Hi,

      All the tutors on this site are from England.  This makes sense because all the legal safeguarding checks can be made.  

      However, you do not have to be in England to book one of these tutors.  You can put a job up and state what time you would like the tutor to be available.

      Good luck with finding the right tutor for you and your little brother.


  8. Great Content and Information about tutorful

    What a concise and thorough article. I found the post very detailed and Informative. So so many useful tips and tricks all on one page! Wonderful! I bookmarked to look further. How I wish I had known this a very long time ago. I am sharing this with my friends and family right away. Thanks for the live changing sensitization

  9. I’ve always been interested in tutoring my child from home but always been hesitant because that is a lot of pressure to provide them with the best education possible.

    You said that these tutors are offered in England but if they are willing to do tutoring online could someone do this living somewhere else in the world?

    1. Hi Amanda,

      Yes, you can be a parent booking in tutoring from anywhere in the world.  This is especially useful for say, people in the middle east or far east who are looking for English support from an English speaking tutor.  

      All the best,


  10. Thanks for sharing this article on Tutorful. I have discovered that my cousin need to improve on her English. Her grades have not been encouraging in the past months. I am happy I found your site to read about Tutorful. I will surely book an appointment with one of the tutors to help on her primary English. This article is right on time and really helpful. I have bookmarked your site for further communication. Thanks for posting this.

    1. Hi 

      I am really glad that this article has been useful!

      I am sure that your cousin will benefit from tutoring and I hope that she enjoys her tutoring experience.

      All the best,


  11. Splendid ! The importance of a good tutor can not be overemphasized in the success of our children education. A good tutor is just about the best educational foundation they can have. 

    My son has had the opportunity of having tutors in the past and the outcome is superb. Knowing how to get the best tutor for a child is better than making him or her go through the rigours of discovering it by him or herself. 

  12. My thirteen year old son is currently struggling a little with his maths studies and I have been on the lookout for some professional help outside of school. 

    You mention that this Tutorful group are all English and based in England, so I’m wondering if the same applies across the border in Wales (we live in Carmarthen)? Is this strictly an all English setup or can other home nations sign up with them?

    1. Hi Chris,

      Sorry, I should have been saying UK!! 

      Also, people looking for tutors can sign up from anywhere n the world as online tutoring is also offered.

      So yes this would be great for your son.

      I hope you find a super tutor.

      All the best,


  13. Wow, you have done a great review here. I personally feel this has made the search for tutors more easier as it can be very challenging most of the time to get a very credible tutor for your child. Such a platform for tutors is a platform than can really go global has so many other countries wouldn’t mind having a website they could go and get credible tutors for their kids.

  14. This article depicts rightly the intended purpose it was written.It is an easy to follow one with all the help.The video is a plus for visitors to understand clearer.I can say it is a well done article on tutoring as it is most informative.I can be followed.

  15. Chandrashekhar

    Dear Julia,

    This will definitely going to help parents to get the right tutor to there children & boost their efficiency in the school.

    Also, I feel that you should add some testimonials of happy parents of the past. 

    BTW – Under How to find your tutor heading, you claim ” click the picture” but nothing happened. Please look into the matter. All the BEST!


    1. Hi Chandrashekhar,

      Thanks for your comments.

      If you go to the Tutorful website there are plenty of testimonials there.  Also, the testimonials are connected to the tutors so I think that it is more useful to see them in context.  Thanks for the idea, though.

      I will look into the click the picture problem.

      All the best, Julia

  16. Hello Julia:

    Wow! Incredible website and a much needed topic. I feel the need for tutors today is the greatest it has ever been. With the decline of the education system so many children are being pushed from one grade to another without the necessary skills or knowledge they require to actually come face to face with real life.

    I believe that a personal tutor can not only enhance their knowledge level but with the right fit they can also help young children develop better life skills as well.

    You have done an excellent job in creating this site and I feel it will be a major benefit to any parents who truly have a desire to see their children succeed in today’s world.

    God Bless,


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