74 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Cats,

A kitten in a treeChildren love cats so here are 74 frequently asked questions (FAQs) about cats that your child might ask, with concise answers:

  1. What do cats eat?
    Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they require meat in their diet.
  2. How long do cats live?
    Typically, cats live around 12-15 years, though some can live into their 20s.
  3. How often should I feed my cat?
    Most adult cats should be fed twice daily, but this can vary based on health and lifestyle.
  4. Can cats see in the dark?
    Cats have excellent night vision but cannot see in total darkness.
  5. Why do cats purr?
    Cats purr for various reasons, including contentment, pain, and communication.
  6. Are cats independent?
    Cats are generally more independent than dogs, but they still require care and attention.
  7. Can cats be trained?
    Yes, cats can be trained using positive reinforcement techniques.
  8. How often should a cat be groomed?
    Depends on the breed; long-haired cats need daily grooming, while short-haired cats need less frequent grooming.
  9. What is the best litter for cats?
    The best litter varies based on cat preference, but clumping, unscented litter is often recommended.
  10. How do I know if my cat is sick?
    Signs of illness include changes in appetite, behaviour, and litter box habits.
  11. Why do cats scratch furniture?
    Scratching is a natural behavior for marking territory and keeping claws sharp.
  12. Can cats be left alone?
    Cats can be left alone for short periods but not for extended times without care.
  13. Do cats need baths?
    Most cats groom themselves and rarely need baths unless they get dirty.
  14. Are cats nocturnal?
    Cats are crepuscular, meaning they are most active at dawn and dusk.
  15. Why do cats knead?
    Kneading is a comforting behaviour that originates from kittenhood.
  16. How many hours a day do cats sleep?
    Cats sleep about 12-16 hours a day.
  17. What should I do if my cat is overweight?
    Consult a vet for a diet and exercise plan.
  18. Can cats eat dog food?
    Cats should not eat dog food as it lacks necessary nutrients for cats.
  19. What plants are toxic to cats?
    Many plants, including lilies, are toxic to cats.
  20. How do I introduce a new cat to my home?
    Introduce slowly, in a controlled environment, to allow acclimation.
  21. Do cats need vaccinations?
    Yes, cats require vaccinations to prevent diseases.
  22. Why do cats meow?
    Meowing is a way cats communicate with humans.
  23. Can cats drink milk?
    Many cats are lactose intolerant; water is the best drink for cats.
  24. How can I stop my cat from scratching?
    Provide scratching posts and discourage unwanted scratching with deterrents.
  25. What is a group of cats called?
    A group of cats is called a clowder.
  26. Why does my cat bring me dead animals?
    This is a natural hunting behaviour and a sign of affection.
  27. Do cats need a companion?
    Some cats enjoy companions, while others prefer to be solitary.
  28. What is the average weight for a cat?
    Average weight varies by breed, but most domestic cats weigh between 3.6 – 4.5 kg.
  29. How do I litter train a cat?
    Most cats naturally use a litter box; just show them where it is.
  30. Why do cats hate water?
    Not all cats hate water, but many dislike being soaked due to their fur’s nature.
  31. Can cats get colds?
    Yes, cats can get upper respiratory infections similar to colds.
  32. What is feline AIDS?
    Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) affects a cat’s immune system.
  33. Why do cats have whiskers?
    Whiskers are sensory tools that help cats navigate and measure space.
  34. How can I tell if my cat is happy?
    Signs of a happy cat include purring, relaxed body language, and playful behaviour.
  35. What does catnip do to cats?
    Catnip causes a temporary state of euphoria in some cats.
  36. Can cats see colour?
    Cats can see some colours, though not as vividly as humans.
  37. Why do cats hiss?
    Hissing is a defensive gesture indicating fear or aggression.
  38. How often should a cat’s nails be trimmed?
    Typically every 10-14 days, but it varies by activity level.
  39. What are hairballs?
    Hairballs are accumulations of fur that cats vomit after grooming.
  40. How do I stop my cat from biting?
    Discourage biting with a firm “no” and redirect to a toy.
  41. Do cats dream?
    Yes, cats experience REM sleep and likely dream.
  42. Why do cats chase their tails?
    This can be playful behaviour or indicate a medical issue.
  43. Can indoor cats get fleas?
    Yes, fleas can enter homes and infest indoor cats.
  44. What does it mean when a cat wags its tail?
    Tail wagging can indicate irritation or excitement.
  45. How can I travel with my cat?
    Use a secure carrier and plan for breaks and hydration.
  46. Why do cats bury their waste?
    This is an instinctual behaviour to hide their presence from predators.
  47. Can cats recognize their names?
    Many cats learn to recognize and respond to their names.
  48. What should I do if my cat is missing?
    Search the area, post notices, and contact local shelters.
  49. Do cats get lonely?
    Some cats can get lonely, especially if they are used to constant companionship.
  50. How do I know if my cat is in pain?
    Signs include changes in behaviour, vocalization, and mobility.
  51. Why do cats like boxes?
    Boxes provide security and satisfy a cat’s instinct to hide.
  52. Can I walk my cat on a leash?
    With training and the right harness, many cats can be walked on a leash.
  53. What causes cat allergies in humans?
    Cat allergies are typically caused by dander, saliva, and urine.
  54. How can I reduce cat shedding?
    Regular grooming and a healthy diet can reduce shedding.
  55. What is a cat’s normal body temperature?
    A cat’s normal body temperature ranges from 38.1°C to 39.2°C.
  56. Why do cats have a third eyelid?
    The third eyelid, or nictitating membrane, provides extra eye protection.
  57. Can cats get diabetes?
    Yes, cats can develop diabetes, often related to diet and weight.
  58. How can I tell if my cat is dehydrated?
    Signs include lethargy, dry gums, and decreased skin elasticity.
  59. What is cat grass?
    Cat grass is safe for cats to eat and can aid digestion.
  60. How do I clean a cat’s ears?
    Use a vet-recommended cleaner and gently wipe the outer ear.
  61. Why do cats have retractable claws?
    Retractable claws help keep them sharp for hunting and climbing.
  62. Can cats get heartworm?
    Yes, cats can get heartworm, but it’s less common than in dogs.
  63. What is the best age to adopt a kitten?
    Kittens should be at least 8-12 weeks old before adoption.
  64. How do I stop my cat from jumping on counters?
    Provide alternatives and discourage the behaviour with deterrents.
  65. Why do cats rub against people?
    Rubbing is a way cats mark their territory and show affection.
  66. Can cats eat chocolate?
    No, chocolate is toxic to cats.
  67. What is a cat’s normal heart rate?
    A normal heart rate for cats is 140-220 beats per minute.
  68. Why do cats have rough tongues?
    Their tongues are designed for grooming and stripping meat from bones.
  69. What does it mean when a cat’s ears are back?
    Ears back can indicate fear, aggression, or irritation.
  70. Can cats get cancer?
    Yes, cats can develop various types of cancer.
  71. How do I deal with a spraying cat?
    Neutering often helps; also, identify and address stress factors.
  72. What does a slow blink mean in cat language?
    A slow blink is a sign of trust and affection.
  73. Can cats eat tuna?
    Tuna is safe in moderation but shouldn’t be a primary food source.
  74. Why do cats love high places?
    High places offer security and a good vantage point.

Great cat face

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