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Pronouns – a KS2 definition
A Pronoun
Is a word that can take the place
Of a noun or another pronoun
In a sentence
It is used to avoid repetition
And it helps make writing clearer.
Pronouns – KS3 definition
Pronouns are words that stand in for nouns,
they can be singular or plural,
and they can be personal or reflexive.
Being a Pronoun!
I never knew what it was like
To be a pronoun
Until I became one
It’s not as easy as it seems
You have to be versatile
And be able to change
According to the needs of the sentence
It can be tough
But it’s also rewarding
Because you get to help shape the language
Appreciate a Pronoun!
There is a word that we use every day
and we often don’t even think about it
but it’s something that’s really important
it’s a word that helps to identify us
pronouns are so essential
they help us to see who we are
and they help us to know what we want
without them, life would be quite confusing
so let’s all take a moment to appreciate pronouns
and the way they make our lives better
A Little Confused
I always get a little confused
When people start to use pronouns
It seems like everyone has their own
Rules that they must adhere to
There’s he and she and they and it
Which one do I use, I often wonder
And what happens when you want to talk about
A group of people as a collective?
I think it would make life a lot simpler
If everyone just stuck to their own gender
But that’s not the way the world works
So we all just have to muddle through
Get it right!!
There are so many different pronouns,
depending on who you are talking to.
There’s he and she, and him and her,
and then there are they and them.
It can be hard to keep track of them all,
but using the right pronoun is important.
So make sure you know your pronouns,
and use them correctly in every sentence.
Faceless Pronouns
Pronouns without a face
Nameless, they represent
Every person who’s every been
Every person who will be
They are us and we are them
And yet they remain
In place of a noun
A pronoun is a word we use to stand in place of a noun,
it can be singular or plural, masculine or feminine.
Reflecting back upon some examples:
he, him, his; they, them, their–
each one unique in its own way.
Hiding in plain sight, a pronoun is often overlooked,
but it’s such an important part of speech.
Without them, our language would be quite bare;
so take a moment to appreciate these little words that share
So many personal pronouns
There are so many personal pronouns
I don’t know which one to choose
I can be he, she, or it
depending on what the situation calls for
I can be singular or plural
depending on how many people I’m talking about
I can be objective or subjective
depending on what I’m trying to say
But no matter which one I use
I always have to make sure I’m clear.
Possessive Pronouns
Very Special Words
My, your, his, her, its, our, their
Possessive pronouns show who or what belongs to someone or something.
They are very special words.
Each one has a job to do
making sure that everything is clear
who owns what and who is related
to whom and how.
No simply words that we say
My, your, his, her, its, our, and their
Aren’t simply words that we say
They’re a feeling, a force, an energy
That can bind us together or keep us away
When we use them correctly and with care
The feeling they bring is one of
Connection and love
My, mine, and ours
My, mine, and ours
Are the possessive pronouns
That show we own something
And keep it close to us
Never letting it go
These little words define
Who we are and what we feel
Proving that we are in control
My feelings
My, your, his, her, its, our, their
Possessive pronouns show
Who owns what and how they feel
About what is theirs and theirs alone
Never to be shared or given away
Relative Pronouns
Connecting ideas
Relative pronouns are so confusing
But they’re really quite helpful
They help us to connect ideas
And make our writing flow better
There’s who, which, and that
And who’s, which’s, and that’s
They can be confusing at times
But they help us to be clear
Who is the person or thing
Which is the thing or group
That is the thing or group that
You are talking about.
Connecting clauses
Relative pronouns connect clauses,
joining them like a bridge.
They can be who, which, that, or whom,
depending on what you need.
Who is referring to the subject
in a sentence,
and whom is the object in a sentence.
Which is used to refer to things,
and that is used to refer to people.
Whom is used as an object,
and can often be replaced with who.
Reflexive Pronouns
Reflexive pronouns are me, myself, and ours.
They help us show that the verb is affecting
the subject in a special way.
In English we use them to indicate,
that the subject and the object are one and the same.
For example, I can see myself in the mirror;
He hurt himself on accident.
To revise them, you must use hers, theirs, and its-
like this: She gave herself a gift; The cat hid itself under the stairs.
But be careful! Reflexive pronouns must always agree
with their antecedent in number and gender.
Referring to Ourselves
Reflexive pronouns help us show
that we’re thinking of ourselves
and no one else.
We use them in sentences
like “I hurt myself”
or “She’s dressing herself.”
They’re important because they
show how we connect to the world,
and how we think of ourselves
in relation to everything else.
You are a pro when it comes to poems. I enjoy reading your poems. This poem on pronouns is fascinating and informative. Pronoun is very important when it comes to Writing. It makes sentences clear and simple. You might not know the importance of pronoun until you think about it. It has the power to identify millions of individuals as simple as “they” and safe the stress of name listing. Thank you for sharing
Well, thank you but it is my AI that is really writing most of these poems, with just a change or two from me.
It is such a useful tool, for helping me create extra pages on this website and also for making lots of resources.